Monday 18 February 2013

Beaudesert Museum

What was your favourite part of our visit to Beaudesert Museum?

Beaudesert Museum  Machinery


Mrs Gillespie said...

I loved the phones in the Stinson Room. I enjoyed looking at all the changes in the school room too.

Mrs Gillespie

Mrs Gillespie said...

I really enjoyed looking at how the things in the home have changed over the years and I am thankful for all our electrical appliances that make life so much easier for us all.

Anonymous said...

I liked it it was fun from charlie

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed looking at everything.ADAM BRABANT.

Anonymous said...

my favourite thing was the old fire engine

Anonymous said...

I liked the pens and the cars and the telephones and guns. Noah

Anonymous said...

it was graaet ther. kane

Anonymous said...

I love it becuase I saw the old bed Phoebe

Anonymous said...

I Liked the doll house from leah

Anonymous said...

I liked looking at all the old sheds. JAKE

Anonymous said...

I liked the cars and the bard wair Rory

Anonymous said...

it was graet i love lock at all the shell.and the bike.charlie .l

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I ingod the teknolging. from finlay

Anonymous said...

i liked the bed from stephanie giglia

Anonymous said...

I enjonyed look at the fire enjene.sam blyton

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed looking at the old thing.ashleigh sellars

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed looking at the firetruck.BelleRichardson.

Anonymous said...

It was fun at the mosem from sofiya.