Saturday 25 May 2013

Feast Day

What was your favourite
part of our Feast Day?


Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Henry,

My favourite part of "Feast Day" was eating the giant cake and the egg and spoon races.

From Leah Caruana

Anonymous said...

My favourite part of feast day was all the games that we played, especially dodgeball.
It was really funny when we went to get our sausages and we saw Mrs Plikie dancing in the shadow!
I really enjoyed Feast Day.
Charlie L :))))

Anonymous said...

My favourite part of Feast day was the cake, it was really tasty.

Anonymous said...

My favourite part of Feast day was the cake, it was really tasty.

Luke said...

My favourite part of the Feast Day
was dodgeball.

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Henry.
My favourite thing about Feast Day was the block towers.
Have a nice day,

Anonymous said...

Hi Mrs Henry,
My favourite thing about Feast Day was the block towers.
Have a nice day,

Year 5 said...

I agree Charlie, it was really funny watching Mrs P dancing like no-one was watching :)

I also loved the games, especially dodge ball.

The cake was delicious!

I think we're very lucky at St Mary's to celebrate Feast Day :)

Anonymous said...

I liked evrything but the games where my favourite.Thank you Mrs Mclure.From Sam Bostock

Anonymous said...

my favourite part of fast day was the yummy cake and dodgeball.i loved dodgeball even if i did not win.the first round two preps won witch was nice.i did not get to do Mrs p's dance witch was sad,Phoebe Gallagher:):)

Anonymous said...

WhatI enjoyed most about Feast Day was the dance that Miss Cuifettelli taught us. It was really fun.

Anonymous said...

my favourite part of feast day was the cake and the dancing!!!

Abbey H

Anonymous said...

My favourite part was building box towers and we won. It was fun. Rory

Anonymous said...

I was sick on Feast Day which was sad - but I got to watch my favourite show!